Healthcare Technician
In the Healthcare Technician career pathway, you will benefit from real-world experience and hands-on training to graduate with confidence, feeling a step ahead in preparation for college or advancing directly to a career in the medical field.
Program Highlights:
Develop a professional work ethic, patient care skills, medical terminology, and knowledge of the human body
Benefit from strong partnerships with local healthcare professionals and college credit agreements
Receive mentorship opportunities during your senior year
Experience Work-Based Learning (WBL) opportunities in career shadowing, internships, and job placement
Learn about sterile processing during your senior year.
Receive Training to work as a multi-skilled technician in the hospital setting
Obtain the certification to work as a State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) in the field as you pursue formal post-secondary education. Most college nursing programs require students to obtain their STNA
Areas of Study:
Working in long-term care, assisted
living, and hospital settings
Skin and wound care
Suture and staple removal
Advanced respiratory care
Medical math
EKG - Telemetry
Tracheostomy care
Personal care skills
Mobility and ambulation skills
Vital signs
Specimen collection
Oxygen therapy
Care of the surgical patient
Care of rehabilitation patient
Credits Available:
Healthcare Technician I:
3 elective credits
1 science credit (anatomy)
Healthcare Technician II:
3 elective credits
College credits available through articulation agreements with Columbus State Community College and Central Ohio Technical College and through Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAGs)
CTAGs are transferrable to Ohio public colleges. Credits vary per program.
Industry Credentials Available:
CPR First Aid***
Certified AED
Sterile Processing
Patient Care Assistant
OSHA CareerSafe Healthcare***
State Tested Nurses Aide***
***Industry credential recognized by ODE for points toward graduation.
Fees can be easily paid online, 24 hours a day. Learn more about paying class fees and adding to your student’s lunch account.
Healthcare Technician I Fee Sheet
This program is participating in the Chromebook One to One Experience. An additional one-time fee to purchase a Chromebook will be waived if you are a returning student who has already participated in the Chromebook One to One Experience or if you are bringing your own technology. Learn more about the Chromebook One to One Experience.
To ask more questions about any program or to schedule a tour of our campus, contact Administrative Assistant to the Enrollment Coordinator, Mariellen Murray at (740) 201-3216 or MurrayM@DelawareAreaCC.org.
Laguel Howell, RN
4565 Columbus Pike | Delaware, OH 43015