Delaware Area Career Center Auction . January 24th - 30th
DACC Notebook. As published in the Columbus Dispatch
HOSA Students with Gifts for the Adopt A Senior Drive
Automotive Collision Students
Students donate food and clothing to PIN
Mr. Andres and Mr. DeMent
PPG Staff Participate in Fire Training
Grace Hammond, Media Center Specialist
Executive Chef Steiner with Culinary Arts students
Miller Electric representatives meet with Welding Instructor
Manufacturing Day with Honda and Tesla
Digital Design Students Earn Photoshop Certification
Visitors tour the Engineering Technician Lab
Adult education student holding high school diploma
Advancing Innovation in Adult Education
Media Center Specialist with Brain Break Baskets
Employers are hiring. Visit the DACC Job Board to Learn More
Landscape Architecture and Construction
Kamila VanWay and Brooklyn Irvin