Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Dee Ice, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent

Dee Ice has been at DACC 3-1/2 years as the Administrative Assistant to the Director of Adult Education but is excited to begin her role as the Administrative Assistant to Jay Poroda, the new Superintendent. Before DACC, Dee worked in the legal field in various positions such as administrative assistant, paralegal and office manager. She was also a teacher’s aide for many years when her daughters were in elementary school.

Dee love’s helping students enhance the quality of life for themselves and their families through career tech training.

Dee has two grown daughters; one lives in South Carolina and one lives here in Delaware. Her best buddy is a little dog that she rescued in 2019 named Moose. 

Dee enjoys doing home improvement projects, traveling, listening to live music, any outdoor activity such as hiking or bike riding, and is currently learning to play golf.  Right before her 50th birthday, she started Crossfit and loves lifting weights. â€śI am almost always the oldest one in the gym!”

Favorite quote: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden