Holiday Poinsettia Sale

FCCLA has partnered with Foertmeyer & Sons to sell poinsettias and other gifts for the holiday season. If you would like to place an order and support FCCLA, follow the steps below:

  1. Click here:
  2. Support a specific FCCLA student (either in the Early Childhood or Culinary programs) by entering their name or support FCCLA in general by entering the code 17578E under ‘Quick Look Up.’
  3. This will take you to a screen with FCCLA Advisor Brooke Buzzard’s name in the top box.  Enter your email address below her name and click “Submit”
  4. You will receive a shopping link customized by whether you choose to support a specific student or the organization. That link will appear on the next page and be emailed directly to your inbox. 
  5. Shop!
  6. All items will be delivered to DACC's Main Campus on Saturday, December 10th. If you choose a specific student to support, that student will pick up your order and deliver it to you. If you choose to support FCCLA, you will be invited to pick up your order at DACC on December 10th.

Thank you for your support. Happy Holidays!