Staff Spotlight

DACC Staff Spotlight: Connie Skomra, Application Development & Programming Technology

This is Connie Skomra’s second year teaching at DACC. While here, she founded and is building the ADaPT™ program and curriculum to equip young software engineers for day-one productivity. She is looking forward to growing the program and making it available to learners everywhere. Before coming to DACC, Connie was an entrepreneur, software engineer and homeschool mom.

Connie’s favorite teaching moments include retrospective thinking with students after a great sprint towards completing a large project.

Connie and her husband, Eric, have 2 sons, Chris and Jesse, and a dog, Carmel. She homeschooled both Chris and Jesse and has a passion for helping families who are trying to get started homeschooling. Chris graduated from Skomra Academy and is now attending Full Sail University. Jesse will graduate from Skomra Academy this year and wants to attend Tech Elevator’s summer cohort.

When not teaching, Connie enjoys spending time with family, serving at church, exercising and preparing for what’s next.

Favorite quote: “I believe in my ability to figure things out.” – Brendon Burchard