Career Awareness and Exploration

Elementary (K-5) and Middle Grades (6-8)

Welcome to the Elementary and Middle School resources hub, your one-stop destination on the Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) website!

At DACC, we believe in empowering our young learners early on. Introducing elementary and middle school students to the many career options available to them not only aligns with our mission but also serves as a catalyst for their future.

We have carefully curated a collection of resources specifically tailored to empower students in their journey of career and college exploration. Dive into interactive career resources, embark on virtual tours, and engage with captivating videos.

Whether you're a student, parent, or educator, let us be your trusted companion as we inspire and guide you toward future pathways at DACC and beyond.

Career World Explorer

Career World Explorer

Discover "Career World Explorer," an interactive resource for middle school students to delve into diverse career paths with captivating illustrations and activities, igniting curiosity about future professions whether in the classroom or at home.

Launch the Career World Explorer Video Game here.

Access the teacher guide

Access the student guide

Curriculum and Teacher Resources

Curriculum and Teacher Resources

Explore lesson plans and activities for classrooms in grades 5-8. Lessons and activities are organized by grade level.

Explore resources and download documents here.

Summer Camp

Middle School Summer Camp

Enroll in a three-day camp for rising 7th - 9th grade students. DACC summer camp are a great way to explore career options, meet other students with similar interests, and participate in fun, hands-on projects.

Learn more about DACC Summer Camp.

Career Tech Saturday

Career Tech Saturdays

Join us for a day of exploration and fun. Students in grades 3-5, along with their parents, are invited to DACC to engage in a career awareness experience in a unique classroom environment.  Explore your choice of 1 or 2, hour-long sessions. 

Learn more about Career Tech Saturdays.

Souder Elementary

Bring Career Awareness to Your Elementary School

Career Awareness programs are designed to engage elementary students in grades 3-5 with interactive career awareness lessons that combine a career presentation, a digital choice board, and a hands-on activity. DACC will coordinate in-person talks with industry professionals or DACC student ambassadors. Career areas include:

  • Digital Design & Technology

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Health, Medical & Bioscience

  • Skilled Trades & Engineering

  • Coding, Robotics & Drones

Educators who are interested in learning more, contact DACC Career Readiness Coordinator, Lisa-Marie Reinhart at 740.201.3218 or

Parent Engagement

Parent Resources

Explore our career readiness resources, designed to empower parents with the knowledge and tools they need to support their child's journey towards a successful future.

Career Conversation Starter Toolkit

DACC Future Family Page

Ohio Department of Education-Career Connections Family Resources

Governer's Office of Workforce Transformation- Career Pathways Video & Toolkit