On This Week 50 Years Ago

DACC was founded in 1974, 50 years ago this year! This week 50 years ago, a news article from the Delaware Gazette headlined “JVS opening Sept. 3 in question, board told.”

At the time, school was scheduled to open for the first time on September 3rd. However, according to the article, quoting then-Superintendent, Dr. Toth, “Despite the favorable weather conditions and no work stoppages, the JVS building project remains about three weeks behind schedule. It would appear at this time that only about 1/2 of the area promised for occupancy will be available on that date, with the remaining area becoming available on October 1. This means that only area F (Machine Trades, Auto Mechanics, Auto Body Welding, DCT and six classrooms) part of area D, (Mechanics and Carpentry) and part of area E (instructional material center, OWE, and reading laboratory) can be occupied on September 3. We are proceeding with these realistic plans and trust that the crowded conditions will be alleviated on October 1."

JV Opening Sept 3 in question