Completion Ceremony 2024

On May 18, 2024, DACC honored its largest graduating class to date at the annual Completion Ceremony at the Delaware Hayes Cornell Stadium. Over 560 students walked across the stage, having graduated from their home high school and completed their program at DACC.


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Watch the complete ceremony below:


Superintendent Jay Poroda’s speech reflected on the accomplishments and growth of the Class of 2024. He praised the students for their dedication, resilience, and commitment to elevating their lives. “Watching you and your accomplishments this year – whether academic, work-based, or achievements in your Career Technical Student Organizations – has made me so proud to be your Superintendent,” Poroda said.


Zoey SanFillipo, a senior from the Law Enforcement program, delivered the Senior Speech. Zoey thanked the teachers, administration, friends, families, and fellow graduates for their support and extended a heartfelt congratulations to her peers. She highlighted the diverse programs and skills acquired by students, emphasizing the importance of communication, flexibility, work ethic, and teamwork in their future careers.


Looking to the future, Zoey expressed optimism and excitement for the opportunities that await the graduates. She shared her personal ambition to become a corrections officer at the Delaware County Jail and encouraged her classmates to pursue their dreams with confidence, knowing that DACC had prepared them well. “None of this would be possible without the support and encouragement of our teachers, instructors, administrators, family, and friends,” she said.


Zoey concluded her speech with an inspiring quote from Henry Ford: “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, and staying together is success.” She urged her classmates to support each other in their continuous dreams and wished them success in their future endeavors. “Congratulations DACC graduates, this world awaits you,” she declared.


The ceremony was a collective effort of appreciation and recognition, with thanks extended to parents, teachers, colleagues, associate school representatives, and the DACC Board of Education for their support and empowerment of the students.


Among the highlighted accomplishments were the students’ participation in Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs), skill attainment, work-based learning experiences, and scholarship awards. Notably, the Class of 2024 reported approximately $2.5 million in scholarship offers, a testament to their hard work and academic excellence.


Superintendent Poroda’s final message to the Class of 2024 was both a challenge and a promise: “Keep reaching for new heights, keep striving for excellence, and keep making a difference. The world needs you. Carry forward the values of dedication, perseverance, and community, not just into the future but into the present, to actively shape a brighter world for yourself and others.”


Congratulations, Class of 2024! Your journey is just beginning, and DACC is immensely proud of your achievements and excited for the bright futures ahead.


Thank you to the Delaware Area Career Center staff for creating such a memorable event for our students and to Delaware City Schools for their continued partnership in sharing Cornell Stadium for this ceremony.